Is it possible to reverse memory problems?
Find out what could be causing your memory troubles and how you can reverse the problem.
Cai’s Story
Reversing memory problems in 6 months by treating sleep apnea, stopping Trazodone, reducing alcohol, and preventing low blood sugars.
Medical Minute: What is “neuroplasticity”?
Find out how you can strengthen and heal your brain through neuroplasticity.
Top 3 ways to boost your memory, today
Are you forgetful? Find out how to improve your memory TODAY.
Winnie’s Story
Reversing memory problems in 12 months by managing grief, depression, starting Mirtazapine and stopping paroxetine, and exercise.
Helena’s Story
Reversal of memory problems in 3 months with changes to alcohol use, vitamins, sleeping pills, and social life.
Karl’s Story
Reversal of memory problems in 6 months with better sleep and switching to extra-strength tylenol from dilaudid (hydromorphone).
Medical Minute: What are the 3 types of memory?
Learn the 3 different types of memory and what problems might look like for each.