Rest is essential for daily brain recovery
Learn how to improve your sleep in 2 weeks with Aldora’s Sleep Better Course, designed by experts.
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Tracking our sleep can reveal hidden patterns and solutions for better sleep.
Protecting the mind with fall prevention, lower blood pressure, sleep, vitamin B12, and a love for photography.
Reversing memory problems in 6 months by treating sleep apnea, stopping Trazodone, reducing alcohol, and preventing low blood sugars.
4 simple daily habits that can prevent dementia through better sleep.
The impact of sleep apnea, hearing loss, and social isolation during COVID-19.
Find out how to protect your mind and get good sleep.
Reversing memory problems in 12 months by managing grief, depression, starting Mirtazapine and stopping paroxetine, and exercise.
More than 60% of women experience memory problems during perimenopause. Learn what you can do about it.
Sleep is important to the mind. Find out how to get better sleep in 2 weeks with our step-by-step guide.
Sleeping pills can cause memory problems. Learn how to talk to your doctor about coming off safely.
Interested in the behind the scenes of sleep? Read this.
Reversal of memory problems in 6 months with better sleep and switching to extra-strength tylenol from dilaudid (hydromorphone).