Top 5 things to know about blood pressure
Last Updated: Dec 13 2024
The top 5 things aldora wants you to know about blood pressure
Having an ideal blood pressure is important for your body and mind.
A systolic blood pressure (the top number on the reading) lower than 100, and definitely less than 80, can mean that your brain and organs don’t get the oxygen that they need.
A systolic blood pressure higher than 140 over many years, or higher than 180 for even just a few days, can cause damage to your kidneys, heart, and brain.
Think of a fireman’s hose - high pressure water SHOOTS out and can knock you over or cause other damage because it’s so strong. That’s a blood pressure of over 180.
Or, if the pressure is really low, water dribbles out and there’s not enough to put out the fire because it’s too weak to do its job. That’s a blood pressure lower than 100.
The good news is there are things we can do to get our blood pressure in the ideal range.
For information on how to get your blood pressure into the ideal range, read these guides:
My blood pressure is over 140 - what do I do? (COMING SOON)
My blood pressure is under 100 - what do I do? (COMING SOON)
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