Your dementia prevention journey starts now

What is dementia?

Dementia is a condition where abnormal proteins build up around brain cells and interfere with their communication.

This leads to gradual difficulties with memory, speaking, movement, and other brain and body functions.

Can Dementia be Prevented?

Yes. In at least 45% of cases, the disease can be prevented. This percentage is likely even higher, since only 10% of dementia cases are linked to your genetics.

Even in those who already have mild cognitive impairment, 25-40% of people can reverse or slow the disease.

How is this possible?

A strong mind can overcome dementia proteins and other brain damage.

If you have lots of strong brain cells that can communicate despite the protein buildup (something called “cognitive reserve”), you can delay or even avoid developing symptoms of the disease, even if there is extensive protein buildup.

How can you build cognitive reserve?

There are at least 18 targets for dementia prevention that can improve your brain strength or reduce damage, thereby improving your cognitive reserve.

The 18 targets are:

When Do I Need to Start?

Earlier the better.

The abnormal proteins that cause dementia start to build up in the brain 10 to 30 years before symptoms appear. This means most people should begin taking steps to prevent dementia in mid-life, around age 40-65.

Is it too late if I am already forgetful?

No. Even when memory symptoms appear people can make changes to recover or slow the disease.

It is only once the disease is in moderate stages that lifestyle changes are unlikely to make a significant difference (based on what we know right now).

Aldora will teach you how to build brain strength and reduce damage.

This will optimize your cognitive reserve and increase your chances of a long and healthy life.

Next step: learn the basics of prevention with our introductory articles.