The link between hearing and dementia
Last Updated: Jan 15 2025
Table of Contents
It is extremely common to have problems the longer we live. This is partly why hearing loss accounts for 7% of dementia cases in the world - it’s a common problem that increases your personal risk of dementia by up to 90%!
This article will cover everything you need to know to protect and take control of your hearing for a stronger mind.
What are signs that I might have hearing problems?
The most common type of hearing problems is called presbycusis, and it comes from noise damage over a lifetime.
This problem typically starts with the loss of high pitched sounds.
You might have hearing problems if you notice you…
Have trouble hearing conversations in noisy places
Frequently ask others to repeat themselves
Turn up the volume on the television or radio
Feel that people are mumbling or speaking softly
Get complaints from others that you aren’t paying attention or are missing details
Have bothersome ringing, buzzing, or whistling in the ears
If you recognize these signs in yourself, it’s time to take action to take control of your hearing and build a stronger mind.
Find yourself struggling to hear in crowded spaces? This might be a sign to get your hearing checked out.
Why is hearing important for dementia protection?
Simply put, not hearing things gives your brain less to do.
You also might have a harder time connecting with others in every day conversation. This can lead to social isolation and depression, which can also increase your risk of future dementia.
The picture below summarizes the ways that hearing is integral to an active mind for dementia prevention.
Hearing is about more than noise - it’s about connection to the outside world.
How do I protect my hearing?
There are two main ways to prevent hearing problems: protect your ears from loud noises, and manage wax build up.
If you want to read more about how hearing problems develop, read this Medical Minute.
A) Protect your ears from loud noises
Protect your ears from loud noises to avoid damage to the sensitive inner parts of the ear (the hearing bones and hearing nerve).
You can do this by:
Wearing ear plugs - anytime you are around loud noises use foam ear plugs or even consider getting custom ear plugs to dampen the noise.
Trying noise canceling headphones - sound-cancelling headphones are another option, as long as you don’t play the music too loudly.
Limiting the noise - when you have control of the speaker, listen to music on the lowest volume, especially if it’s through headphones.
Protect your ears from loud noise - your brain will thank you later.
B) Manage Ear Wax
Ear wax buildup can become an issue at any point in our lives.
To keep on top of it, try adding a few drops of mineral oil to your ears a few times a week. This will help keep the ear wax soft and easier for it to naturally migrate out.
Your family physician or audiologist can also help by flushing the ear with salt water a few times a year.
Add a few drops of mineral oil - you can buy it from your pharmacy - to keep the inside of your ears moisturized
When should I get my hearing tested?
If you or your friends have noticed any changes to your ability to follow a conversation, watch TV, or register other high-pitched sounds, make an appointment with an audiologist.
They are experts in hearing.
They will perform a special audiological assessment to figure out what (if any) kind of hearing loss you have, and what needs to be done about it.
REMEMBER: if you have sudden hearing loss over a few hours or days, see a doctor right away, as you might need medical attention to prevent the hearing loss from becoming permanent.
Get those ears tested!
In Closing…
Hearing is REALLY important for your mind & memory.
It’s also REALLY important for connection to the rest of the world, including our friends and family.
It’s so important in fact, that hearing problems cause 7% of dementia cases IN THE WORLD!!!
Wearing hearing aids can protect you from this risk.
Don’t risk missing out on this huge opportunity for building a stronger mind. Get your hearing checked by an audiologist, and wear hearing aids every day if you need them.
Here’s to better hearing and a more engaged life!
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