What is Aldora’s philosophy of Living Medicine?
Last Updated: Feb 7 2025
In every scientific field there are different ways of studying the world — different layers of a problem to explore.
Experts often dedicate their careers to mastering a single layer: geneticists delve into DNA, cell biologists study cellular processes, and inflammation researchers focus on immune responses.
Each of these layers yields valuable insights, but unifying them into a coherent understanding of complex issues like aging and longevity can be challenging.
Sometimes, the findings at one level appear to contradict those at another. For example, one study might suggest that beta-amyloid in the brain leads to Alzheimer’s disease, while another shows it plays a role in clearing brain inflammation, which is beneficial. How can anyone reconcile such seemingly conflicting information?
The answer lies in perspective—the same way one would approach solving a 1,000-piece puzzle.
When you focus intently on individual puzzle pieces, it can be hard to see where they fit in. But when you zoom out by looking at the big picture on the box, patterns emerge that reveal where each piece belongs. The hazy blue isn’t just an isolated fragment; it’s part of a cloud.
What’s the equivalent of the big picture when it comes to longevity? Life itself.
Life is the ultimate big-picture framework, holding the answers to many of these questions. To understand the minutiae, one must also grasp the broader context of what it means to be alive.
Life is complex, multidimensional, and interconnected. Solutions to longevity are the same.
This is where geriatricians play a vital role. We are uniquely trained to bridge these layers.
Our expertise begins with internal medicine—a rigorous study of all internal systems, including the heart, liver, blood, and lungs. But we go further, specializing in geriatric medicine, which emphasizes the brain, emotions, and overall physical health.
Most of our patients grapple with conditions like dementia, frailty, polypharmacy, depression, anxiety, and multimorbidity—the coexistence of at least two chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol, strokes, cancer, and more. Our work requires us to see the connections among these complex issues.
We become accustomed to seeing patterns where others may see only chaos. This allows us to gain wisdom - a depth and breadth of knowledge that transcends multiple layers of understanding.
It’s not just the study of research and textbooks - but life itself - that reveals patterns to longevity.
The challenge is in distilling our insights into straightforward explanations; turning our patterns and philosophies into explanations informed by decades of experience.
This is where Aldora comes in; a way to share geriatric wisdom, or the science of longevity with the art of life, empowering you to live fully and for a long time.
We don’t just focus on genetics, cell biology, or individual aging processes. Instead, we emphasize what we call Living Medicine —a big picture philosophy that identifies and interprets patterns across people and their stories.
Consider some of the patterns we’ve observed:
Hearing impairment, alcohol use, and head injury in a man may lead to dementia around age 75 - but if he wears hearing aids, balances his alcohol intake, and maintains hobbies that simulate his mind, he can push memory changes into the future.
Lack of exercise, social isolation, sleep apnea, and benzodiazepine use in a woman might result in dementia around age 80 - but if she joins yoga with a friend, wears her sleep apnea machine, and slowly comes off her benzodiazepine, she can have many more years in good health.
These patterns - and countless others - reveal how risk factors accumulate and interact, influencing the onset of memory problems and other age-related conditions. It’s not just about the risks that you take on, but also the beneficial things that you do.
They also tell us that there’s no single “fix” for aging, and that rather than focusing on single details (e.g. lower your cholesterol) it’s about the big picture of what you’re doing as you live.
Life is about finding balance across all the intertwined aspects of health, unfolding into a personal story that makes sense over a lifetime.
Our role at Aldora is to help you identify and manage your story through big picture living, combining layers of scientific insight into actionable guidance.
By seeing both the big picture and understanding the details, we provide a roadmap for navigating life with purpose and resilience. Living becomes the most powerful medicine there is.