Anne’s Story
Protecting the mind with CBT for anxiety, life-long learning, and finding your Ikigai.
Helena’s Story
Reversal of memory problems in 3 months with changes to alcohol use, vitamins, sleeping pills, and social life.
Top 5 medications to avoid if you want a better memory
The medications dementia experts recommend you reduce or avoid if you’re worried about your memory.
Is it dementia or is it Alzheimer’s?
What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease?
Everything you need to know about sleep apnea and dementia
Find out how to protect your mind and get good sleep.
Top 5 things to ask for if you’re falling
What to ask for from your healthcare team when you're falling.
How many heart-health risk factors can I have?
Heart-health influences your risk of dementia - but how many risk factors really matter?
How can I prevent myself from falling?
Falling can take away your independence - how can you prevent a fall and live a long and healthy life?
Fall prevention exercises
These simple exercises can do wonders for your strength and balance, helping you live a long and healthy life.
What am I already doing right?
Find out what you’re already doing right, and what else you can do to build your strongest mind, body, and spirit.
How to pick your next step
How to choose your next healthy step in your dementia prevention journey.
Winnie’s Story
Reversing memory problems in 12 months by managing grief, depression, starting Mirtazapine and stopping paroxetine, and exercise.
What is the best exercise for my brain?
Exercise can improve your memory and lower your risk of dementia. Find out how to build a personalized plan.
Medical Minute: How does exercise help my brain?
What exactly does exercise do to help brain health and overall wellbeing?
The key to success is doing what you love
Learn the formula for success that makes a healthy lifestyle fun.
Scientific Second: What does it mean when a study is “retrospective?
Retrospective studies look at historical records to find new patterns and associations. What does this mean for making decisions based off retrospective findings?